Lisa Shingle, DNP
Lisa Shingle, DNP is a Family Nurse Practitioner, practicing at Greentree Medical Associates, since 2017. With a commitment to providing comprehensive primary care to patients ages 5+, Lisa focuses on providing comprehensive primary care focusing on preventative health, patient education, and ensuring that her patients receive personalized and compassionate care. She is known for her ability to build strong patient relationships and her dedication to improving health outcomes as part of the primary care team a Green Tree Medical associates.
With a deep commitment to fostering long-term health and wellness, Lisa partners with her patients to navigate their healthcare journey, emphasizing the importance of preventative care and patient education. Whether managing chronic conditions, guiding lifestyle changes, or addressing acute health issues, Lisa is dedicated to empowering her patients to achieve their best health outcomes, while addressing their unique needs and concerns in an environment where patients of all ages can feel heard and valued.
Lisa Shingle works with the entire Green Tree Medical associates primary care team and has expanded access hours for patients beginning at 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.